The BYU VS UTAH game was so fun to watch yesterday! It went into overtime with the final score BYU 26 and UTAH 23. They wore their jerseys from '84 and it was so cool to see them run out on the field in them! The game started at 3:00 and ended at 7:00!!! It was so intense but so great and fun!!! I'm so glad Gar was here so we could go together.
So Cambria Inspired me; on her blog she posted 10 things she's grateful for due to thanksgiving being around the corner. So here's my list of 10 things I'm most grateful for!
1.Garett: I married my best friend in the whole entire world! He travels a lot and my clients at work are always telling me "oh just wait...there will come a time when you will love it when he's gone" and I can honestly say that I will never love having my best friend and love of my life gone. We have such a special marriage that I cherish so much. Garett treats me like a prized jewel and one of heavenly fathers daughters which melts my heart every time I think about. I am so proud of the man that I married, the man that honors his priesthood and cares about his family more than anything and would do anything and everything for them. His patience is slowly teaching me everyday how to be patient! I love this guy more than anything... So Grateful for him!
2.The Gospel: I was born into the church but throughout the years have gained my own testimony of my savior Jesus Christ. I am so Thankful to have this knowledge in my life and to hopefully bless the lives of others with this knowledge.
3.Great Parents: Growing up and even now my parents have always put themselves last. They have always been so concerned about their kids needs and wants, and that is what makes them happy. They are so selfless. I'm thankful for my moms sweet innocent spirit and kindness that she generates to everyone! And my dads faith in the lord and hard work in everything he does. Over a year ago when I married Gar I received 2 more great parents! I'm thankful for the examples they are to me and Gar, the love they show us, and great friends they are to us and all their children.
4.Siblings/nieces and nephews: Although we do have our drama and hard times I'm grateful that I have always had a good reationship with all my siblings. They are all my best friends and who I turn to when I need anything! It's been so great having my siblings get married and get inlaws and having my husbands siblings as my own too! I love all the little ones and the smiles they bring me. The relationships I have with them is what i will cary with me into the eternities. My parents always tried teaching me that when I was little that my famiy would always be there but others wouldn't, and I understand that now. I am very thankful for the more than awesome friends that I have in my life too though, they are all great examples and true friends.
5.Overall good health: Even though Garett calls me " A medical nightmare" I am so glad for the health I have. This may sound dumb, but how blessed am I to have 2 hands and legs that work properly. I am able to do hair because of that! I am able to do a lot of things in life like traveling, exercising, working, etc, etc.
6.Work: I have always been taught the importance of work and responsibity ever since I was little thanks to my parents and great softball coaches. When I was playing on my coach pitch softball team I had a tiny expericen that has just always stuck with me- It was at the end out one of our practices at we were having a little meeting with our parents. My coach asked "what time tomorrow would be the best time for everyone to have practice? If everyone can do in that morning that would be great, but what can you all do?" I raised my hand and said "Can we please do 2:00" my mom had embarrassment written all over her face, and my coach replied "why 2:00?" And I feeling so smart "so I have more time to play with my friends...(duh)" coach- "okay 2:00 it is" It was SO simple!!! Well the next day I was late to my practice because I was with my friend too long! My coach came over to me with the most dissapointed look on his face and said "now, wouldn't it have been better to practice first and have the rest of the day to play?" YES! Since I was 16 I had a job and/or played softball in high school! I'm blessed that Gar and I both have jobs! So Grateful!
7.Home Sweet Home: I love my little house! We were very blessed to be able to get into our first home when we did! So grateful!
8.God bless America...And Utah?:Yes I love Utah and so happy that I was raised here! I am so proud to admit that! I love living somewhere that I love! So Grateful!
9.Car: Yes,"Ol' Blue" can have her moments but she has been so great! We don't have a payment on her anymore and what is better than a free car? She gets me from point A to point B! So grateful!
We were able to go up to Salt Lake and do sealings in the Salt Lake Temple. It was my first time in the Salt Lake Temple and wow it is gorgeous. Gar and I love going and walking around temple square because we always feel so peaceful, happy, calm, and it was also where we went for my birthday when we first started dating. After the temple, we went and ate at the roof, which we love because we feel so relaxed in there...great atmosphere. And not to mention VERY romantic :). It was such a spiritual and great day! This past week Garett and I decided to go to the Manti Temple, where we were sealed! It was a much needed trip, and we loved going back where we started our eternal family, and the joy of experiencing the beauty again of the Manti Temple, and being the witness couple made it that much more special. I am so grateful we were able to go there together and spend the day doing something so meaningful. After the temple we went to the malt shop and had VERY VERY yummy shakes!!! We were glad that Brandon and Michelle could come with us as well to the Manti Temple where they were sealed too.
For Halloween at work we all dressed up but didn't tell anyone what we were being so it was fun to see what all the girls were! Everyone looked so cute! I didn't want to have to buy a costume so I came up with this last minute, but it was fun!! After work I went to my parents and saw all the little kiddos in their costumes and and had ham chowder and hot cider that my mom so generously makes for everyone every year! It wasn't the most exciting Halloween because Gar wasn't here but I'm grateful for family that helps to make up for that! And yes, this is my real hair...
This time for our date night we went to boondocks and Brandon, Michelle, Garrett and Anjali came with us! We did their umlimited everything date night special. We did lazer tag, the HD theater, go carts...a lot, and the arcade! It was SO much fun! It was nice to go out and do something fun all together.
Every year we have what we like to call "pie fest" you just bring pie or pizza and eat and mingle! It was SO much fun the ony thing that was missing was Gar!
It's that time of the year again! I love the fall and I LOVE going to the BYU football games! We got season tickets again this year, and although gar can only one more game it's still so much fun! It's great because I enjoy the games probably just as much as Gar. We were so excited about the win to Oklahoma and gar and Brandon Blackwell went a little crazy and ran around the house with our BYU flag....gotta love that husband of mine! The game to Florida was HUGE let down....the crown in the stadium were all SO pumped at first and then it quickly died down, what a bummer? We were able to go to Colorado together last week though and Anj and Garrett and Brandon and Michelle were all there too! After we went and ate a brickoven before the crowds all got there luckily! We met cosmo which may sound dumb to most but i have been waiting FOREVER to get a picture with that studly cougar!
Gar and I have decided that we need to do a date night for just the 2 of us one day a week that he is home. We each are going to take turns each week planning, well this week was my turn. It turned into a date day though because I had the day off so it was so great! We cooked breakfast together and then spent the day up in park City at the Outlets, and than on the way home we went and hiked the Y together. It was so challenging but SO great to do together! We had SUCH a blast and we are both looking forward to our future dates :)
At the first of September I made a very hard and well thought out decision to leave my Job at Central Bank. It was so scary for both me and Garett.... I had almost been at Central Bank for 2 years and was so comfortable there financially and socially. But I felt like that some of the goals I want to fulfill for me and my family wouldn't happen if i were to continue to work there. It was also becoming very hard for me to work full time at the bank and then do hair most nights. I wanted to use my education... the thing that I LOVE doing SO much. So I am now working at Prestige Salon and Spa. I am loving it! ( I am doing Hair, eyebrow waxing, pedicures, manicures, and glitter toes there! And just A little FYI first time clients get 20% off! It's so crazy to me how life can change so much so fast. I feel so blessed for the changes I have had in my life. I have been thinking a lot lately about where those changes have taken me, for instance... Up until 3rd grade I attended Art City School Elementary and than they changed the boundaries so that meant I had to go to Grant where I met Anjali who became my best friend and is now my eternal sister. I had played softball very actively since I was 12 years old on an accelerated team, and every summer i was gone every weekend at a tournament somewhere, in high school every fall I was training to make the high school team and in the spring i was playing for the high school and practicing every day from 3-6 and playing games and in the summer it was the accelerated team again...etc. Well because of me breaking my arm and to cut a long story short I QUIT softball- which later on down the road because of that decision i was able to go to Cosmetology School. I've worked many different places and although i hated working at Joe Bandios IM SO THANKFUL I DID... that is how i met my husband. My point to all of this is- I believe that Heavenly Father has a hand in all things in my life, and he will directs us where we need to go or what we need to be doing. Change can be very hard and we might not know why we are doing something at the time and It may be very challenging but heavenly father sees the bigger picture and will direct us- if we let him.
We got on the Airplane Aug 2nd to go to long beach California and from there we took this shuttle to get on the ship! On the shuttle because we were all SO SO excited we were all hyper and acting like like kids:) While we were checking into Royal Caribbean They had me down that I was 10 years old so Gar and took a little longer getting checked in because they had to make me a new room key card. Well if you are under 21 they are supposed to punch a hole in your card and the guy leaned in to me and said quietly "I'm not going to punch your card so you can drink and gamble..." And I just thought to myself "dude you hooked up the wrong girl" haha of course I didn't do either but it sure was funny, but kind of sad at the same time because I wonder how many people he has done that to. We kind of check out the cruise ship once we got on it and saw what was going on and then we were all EXHAUSTED from staying up late the night before so we took a little nap and then we had to wake up to do the life jacket drill thing...which we probably should have payed attention to but we were all too excited to and laughing because we looked "hot" in those life jackets.... That night we met our our 2 waiters who were so awesome!!! Alex and Ranauldo who named himself "The bread master" and man he would bring by the most delish bread the whole time we were eating. The Second day was at sea and us girls laid out and read our books and listened to music and the guys did for a bit and then went and did their own thing. For lunch we went and ate at Johny Rockets and just relaxed by the pool and hot tub. I was so dumb though and didn't really put sunscreen on that day so I got burned bad and that night i was so burned that it made me so cold so I ordered Hot chocolate that night and Ranauldo remembered what i got that night and brought it to me all other nights, he always remembered what everyone drank!And we also that day had a dodgeball tournament that was so awesome until it got canceled because balls kept getting thrown overboard. After dinner that night Kylie called Garett from their room laughing to death and just told us to go outside our room and Brandon was out there in Her dress that she made him put on and the best part about it was they locked themselves out of their a dress!!! haha! The third day we went to Cabo San Lucas! We took a ride on a little boat called the "Sex Machine" out to Lovers beach and it was beautiful! And right across from lovers beach was divorce beach. We played in the water there and got eaten by this huge wave but it was SO hilarious!!!! After we played at the beach Gar, me, and the Tuckers went Para sailing and it was such a rush! It was an awesome experience!!! After that we ate at this really yummy place and got out picture on a beer bottle! Ha ha!!! The sunset was so beautiful that night and we ate way too much for dinner again, but when we got back to our room we found our first animal made out of our towles...I had been waiting for it. The fourth day was one of my favorites! We were in Maizitlan and we took these crazy driver taxis out to a scooter place and rode the scooters all around Maizitlan and it was SO SO SO MUCH FUN! I felt like we were in a movie weaving in and out of traffic and seeing all the cool sites. We were all so hot though so one of our stops was Getting 5 cent cokes! We also went boogie boarding there as well! One of the funnest days of my life. This is the Cathedral we rode our scooters to- That night we hungout in the sports bar and just relaxed before dinner! The fifth day we were in Peurto Viarta and it was not the greatest day but "it was all part of the experience." We took this forever long boat ride out to a beach and the snorkeling was nasty because the water was murky and the equipment looked as if it has never been cleaned and it probably lasted a good 15 min. Once we got to the beach the place that we ate at "for free" was dirt floors and had cats and chickens walking around....yeah pretty much we all got food poising the next couple of days. Cool Pirate ship The rest of the cruise we were at sea and we just played around and had a blast!!!!! We were able to get these free ice creams anytime we wanted which was awesome but no wonder you gain weight on a cruise eh?! This is Sam Our room attendant- He was so great to us so we brought him dinner every night. We had so much fun and it was so great for Garett and I to be able to spend all that time together. We love each other SO much so this trip was wonderful. We were ready to come home though by the end of it!
Dig Deep...
It's safe to say, life has been turned on end for me and my sweet little
family. Living in Vernal was a rough change for me in the beginning. I
Old Barn. Midway, Utah.
Feeling a little restless, I wanted to go for a bike ride the other day and
enjoy the fall weather and the beautiful mountains t...
Madsen: The first year in a nutshell...
Holy Cow! How is my baby ONE? Where has the time gone? I can't believe it's
been (over) a year since I gave birth to my little nugget, I remember
It's catch-up time again. In this post I am including some older photos
that were on my phone. We love Christmastime in our family. Allan is the
master dec...
Pumpkins & Fall
We visited the local pumpkin patch and the girls loved the hay mazes and
the hayride.
My little artist
Face Time with dad while we carved
Summer Recap
We last left off in July...
July is a BIG month for birthdays! Just another reason to love summer.
On the 1st of July, Grace girl turned 4! Gracie will not...
Surprise on Landen's 30th birthday!!
Landen's 30th birthday was yesterday. We celebrated by having both of our
families over for homemade pizza and dessert (totally forgot to get the
icecream ...
Jayden turns 14 on September 23 2010
Jayden wanted to go to brick oven for his birthday this year.
He recieved a bunch of cool gifts.
One of his favorites was a warty pumpkin from his cous...
I don'ts...
Lately, it's been a lot of 'I don'ts..."
"I don't have this, I don't have that."
I am going to try and focus on the "I do's"
I have such a full and ric...